No matter what stage of life you are in, there is a place for you here.


Our kids are our pride and joy! LA Kids exists to train up and raise up kids in relationship with Jesus. While having a total blast, we are growing in relationship together. Join our kids on Sunday mornings at 10am and Wednesday nights at 6:30pm.


Here at LA we are empowering students to reach their generation! We focus on open and honest discussions about our faith between Sunday morning “Donuts & Discipleship” and Wednesday night youth gatherings. While heading out to adventures or casual hangouts, we intentionally model outreach while growing together.


Men have a vital role in the body of Christ, and we seek to build them into all that God has created them to be! Between our monthly “Meat Nights” and Bible studies, we empower our men to lead well and serve well in the home, marketplace, and community.


Created for community, our LA women are focused on living life together! Every week we have opportunities for fellowship, outreach, and Bible studies. From morning brunch to evening mom’s group, there is a place for you to belong.


Life is done best in community, and our young adults live life together! From game nights with pizza to Bible studies with honest conversations, we aim to build deeper relationships and challenge each other in our faith.


Our church exists beyond 4 walls on a Sunday morning. We believe relationships and meaningful discipleship occur in our smaller gatherings, and life groups are an opportunity to be known and know others. We have a wide variety of groups across the northwest suburbs, there is a place for you to find your community!


Our community seeks to love and serve those around us, from our own church and our surrounding city. Our care team is comprised of incredible, thoughtful people who visits families in their home to meet needs and offer prayer. If you are looking for opportunities to serve alongside this team, Mary Beth can connect you with opportunities around us.